America’s Boating Course
3rd Edition
- Boating Safety -

Boating Safety—Four Safe Boating Tips

Each year hundreds of lives are lost, thousands are injured, and millions of dollars of boat and PWC insurance claims are filed because of recreational boating accidents that could be prevented. Too often power boating outings turn tragic. You—as a boat operator, passenger, or concerned individual—can
make a difference. Here are several boat safety tips:

Boating Safety Tip #1: Wear Your Life Jacket

Most people who are killed while boating drown—and most people who drown are not wearing a life
jacket. When you fall overboard, there is rarely time to get to a stowed life jacket. Modern life jackets are smaller and more comfortable than ever making it easy to "Wear It!" at all times.

Boat Safety Tip #2: Stay Sober in Your Boat

A boat operator with blood alcohol content above 0.10 is ten times more likely to die in a boating
accident than an operator with zero blood alcohol. Other stressors such as sun, vibration and noise
affect the body more when drinking alcohol. Operating a boat under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal in all states and a violation of Federal boating law.

Boater Safety Tip #3: Take America's Boating Course

Seventy percent of recreational boating accidents are caused by inexperience and lack of knowledge, particularly factors such as failure to pay attention, carelessness, recklessness, excessive speed, and failure to watch for hazards. Our boater safety course is inexpensive and quick—a great way for you to
learn boat safety, the rules of the road, and boating regulation. In many states, this safe boating course gives you the knowledge needed to pass your boat license or safety certification exam.

Water Safety Tip #4: Get Your Boat Checked

The United States Power Squadrons offer a free Vessel Safety Check (VSC).

Sailboats Demo (click)
Demo (click)

This page last updated February 3, 2009